criminal procedural legislation, regulatory issues, translator, legal terminology, translation, legal consequences, connotations.Abstract
The article examines the elements of law related to the activities of the translator in criminal proceedings, analyzes the main factors that complicate its implementation, and also reviews the requirements for the person of the translator in criminal proceedings. The article also raises the problem of translating legal terminology. Legal language is the language of lawyers with their specific terminology and particular linguistic style, which is quite different from everyday language. The translator must know the legal system of the country of the source language, the terminology and style used in this language, as well as have an understanding of the legal system of the country into which the translation is being carried out. Legal documents, along with other types of highly specialized documentation, are among those that are particularly difficult to translate. This is primarily due to the high degree of responsibility placed on the translator for the quality of the work, which requires a high degree of accuracy and correctness of the translation. The authors emphasized that legal translation has a number of features that the translator of a legal text should be aware of, as mistakes in the translation can lead to conflict between the parties of the legal discourse. This type of translation cannot be carried out without the use of special knowledge in the relevant field of law, or the possibility of obtaining advice from someone who is knowledgeable in this field of activity to which the translated material belongs, because without knowledge of the specifics of a particular type of legal relationship, there is a significant risk of an inaccurate translation, with a large number of connotations, which, in turn, can lead to negative legal consequences. The article summarizes a number of opinions of scientists, as well as an analysis of the norms of the current criminal procedural legislation, which made it possible to make proposals for further improvement of the legal regulation of the translator’s activities in criminal proceedings.
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