mass riots, criminal offense, investigation, special knowledge, investigative (research) action, expertise.Abstract
The peculiarities of the use of special knowledge during the investigation of mass riots were studied. Emphasis is placed on the fact that the use of special knowledge in criminal proceedings of any category is quite important and occurs throughout the entire process of pre-trial investigation. It was found that during the investigation of mass riots, when conducting most investigative (search) actions, authorized persons have an urgent need to use both their own special knowledge and to involve relevant specialists in their implementation (survey of the scene of the incident, inspection of things, investigative experiment, appointment various types of examinations, etc.). The definition of special knowledge is formulated as a set of theoretical knowledge and practical abilities and skills in various fields, obtained as a result of special theoretical training or professional experience, used for the purpose of prevention and investigation of criminal offenses. The following forms of the use of special knowledge in the investigation of mass riots are defined: direct use of special knowledge by authorized persons during individual investigative (search) actions, covert investigative (search) actions and other procedural measures; the involvement of specialists in conducting separate investigative (search) actions, secret investigative (search) actions and other procedural measures; appointing and conducting forensic examinations to ensure the maximum evidence base. The position is supported that among the entire spectrum of the possibility of using special knowledge in the specified category of criminal proceedings, a special place is occupied by the preparation and conducting of examinations. It has been established that only thanks to the material objects that are seized during individual procedural actions (inspection of the scene, search, temporary seizure of things) during the investigation of mass riots, the most optimal appointment and conducting of examinations is possible. Among the most important and widespread types of examinations in the studied category of criminal proceedings are the following: forensic-ballistic, forensic-medical and forensic-biological examinations.
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