


genocide, crime, group, discrimination, Criminal Code of Ukraine, Convention on the Prevention of the Crime of Genocide and its Punishment.


This work examines problematic issues of Article 442 (Genocide) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Disclosure of the content of the norm of criminal legislation – genocide, will provide an opportunity for the correct, necessary and sufficient qualification of this act in practice, as a necessary condition of the principle of legality reflected in the Constitution of Ukraine. Revealing the signs of genocide and establishing the legal construction (objective and subjective signs) of this article is the legal basis for qualification, which is characterized by the consistency and orderliness of its signs. Therefore, the article reveals the methods of committing this crime against representatives of a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, namely: taking the lives of members of the group; inflicting serious bodily harm on them; creation of living conditions for the group designed for its complete or partial physical destruction; reducing childbearing or preventing it in such a group; forcible transfer of children from one group to another. Certain criminal offenses (Part 2 of Article 115, Article 161 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine) that are related to the crime of genocide in some respects (Article 442 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine) are highlighted. Currently, the mass media report on cases of acts that have signs of genocide against the Ukrainian people – denial of the existence of Ukrainian identity; accusations in the mirror; «denazification» and dehumanization; constructing an existential threat in the person of Ukrainians; preparing the Russian audience to commit or condone atrocities. In addition, historical facts are revealed, which under certain circumstances (pressure from russia) were hushed up and not investigated by either legal or historical sciences. Over the past five years (2017-2022), there has been a significant increase in recorded criminal offenses under Art. 442 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, which was most likely provoked by Russia’s military aggression against Ukraine.


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How to Cite

Katerynchuk, K. (2024). GENOCIDE AS A FORM OF VIOLENCE. Scientific Bulletin of Dnipro State University of Internal Affairs, (1), 197–203.

