



judicial debate, civil process, court, civil case, psychology of the judicial process.


After the declaration of Ukraine’s independence, the courts began to take on an important role in society and the state as state authorities that administered justice in the form of civil, economic, administrative, and criminal proceedings. The effectiveness of their activities depends on the independence of courts and court judges in the exercise of their powers. One of the main tasks of judicial reform is the implementation of democratic ideas of justice developed by world practice and science. In this connection, the development of the conceptual foundations of the judicial process of Ukraine acquires special importance. These issues are especially relevant today, during the period of formation and development of the rule of law. The issue of proper protection of human and citizen rights is the most urgent for modern Ukraine, whose legislation has established a standard list of rights and freedoms for a legal state. The main problem of Ukraine, like any other state, is the proper provision of such rights, which begins with the creation of appropriate state mechanisms for the protection of human and citizen rights and freedoms, acquiring special importance for a state whose political and legal systems are in the process of transformation. The foundations of such a mechanism are laid down in the Constitution of Ukraine, which declared the establishment and provision of human rights and freedoms as the main duty of the state. The study and development of the psychology of the judicial process is an important component of the implementation of the judicial reform in Ukraine, as it examines the psychological regularities of law enforcement activities and studies the psychological foundations of a judge’s professional profile, individual style and skill, education of professional skills and abilities, recruitment and placement of personnel, professional orientation, professional selection, professional education and personality formation of judges, professional deformation and its prevention, organization of the workplace and working hours.


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How to Cite

Dziuba, I. (2024). FEATURES OF COURT DEBATES IN COURT PROCESSES CONSIDERING A CIVIL CASE AND THEIR SPECIFICITY. Scientific Bulletin of Dnipro State University of Internal Affairs, (1), 171–178. https://doi.org/10.31733/2078-3566-2023-1-171-178

