mass media, child safety, media, protection of rights and freedoms, police activity, digital security, digital services.Abstract
The article is devoted to the disclosure of the use of mass information (media) by the National Police of Ukraine to ensure the safety of children in the digital space. It is emphasized that uncontrolled access of children to the Internet can have negative consequences, while the police should widely use the possibilities of the mass media, which can be not only a conductor of information from the police to the public (youth audience), but also be a guide in the formation of safe behavior of children in digital space. It was emphasized that the use of mass media (media) by the police to ensure the safety of children in the digital space should include the following areas: distribution of safety materials, official information and announcements in mass media; creation of official accounts by police officers in popular social networks to ensure police presence there; receiving information from mass media and prompt response to publications about violations of children’s rights; use of online courses and applications to increase awareness of relationship participants in their own rights; strengthening the identification of the participants of relations in the digital space. It was concluded that increasing the attention of state and non-state institutions to ensuring the safety of children in the digital space is extremely relevant. A secure digital environment cannot be provided to one entity – the relevant task must be implemented comprehensively. Accordingly, the use of mass media by the police to ensure the safety of children in the digital space should be implemented through a number of defined forms: educational, organizational, law enforcement, monitoring and innovative.
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