
  • Elvira O. Sidorova




tax sovereignty, tax legal relations, tax powers, tax competence, public authorities.


The article reveals the peculiarities of the legal regulation of tax powers of public authorities in Ukraine. It is noted that the tax legal personality of the state is a direct consequence of the implementation of the public territorial entity's own tax sovereignty. It is emphasized that one of the main classification criteria for the division of public authorities with tax powers is the functional purpose and nature of the body. On the grounds of functional purpose and the nature of powers in the field of taxation, the investigated bodies are divided into: 1) bodies of general competence (Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, local representative bodies); 2) bodies of special competence with the presence of part of the functions in the field of taxation (Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, State Treasury Service of Ukraine); 3) bodies of special tax competence (State Fiscal Service of Ukraine as a controlling body in the field of taxation). The content and structure of tax powers are considered. It is emphasized that the main distinguishing feature of the ratio of tax competence and tax powers is the possibility of delegating part of the powers, while the competence is not subject to delegation. Based on the analysis of the current legislation of Ukraine, the tax powers of public authorities and local governments are considered. The rights and responsibilities in the tax sphere of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, the State Treasury Service of Ukraine, local councils are covered. In order to prevent violation of the principle of tax stability in the adoption of laws on taxes and fees, the Law of Ukraine "On the Rules of Procedure of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine" should provide for the implementation of laws defining taxes, fees and their elements. It is the direct duty of the parliament to strictly adhere to the requirement of stability in its interpretation, which is set out in the Tax Code of Ukraine. To bring the Regulation on the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine in terms of tax powers in accordance with the Tax Code of Ukraine, it is necessary to set out subparagraph 39 of paragraph 4 of the Regulation as follows: The Ministry of Finance of Ukraine fees for a period exceeding one budget year, if the amount declared for installment or deferral or the amount of deferred or deferred monetary obligations or tax debt in respect of which payment is deferred is 1 million hryvnias or more; makes a reasoned decision to grant installments or deferrals of monetary obligations or tax debt in respect of national and local taxes and fees, as well as to postpone the payment of deferred or deferred amounts, if the amount of previously granted installments or deferrals of monetary obligations or tax debt was not repaid».


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How to Cite

Sidorova, E. O. (2024). РECULIARITIES OF LEGAL REGULATION OF TAX AUTHORITIES OF PUBLIC AUTHORITIES IN UKRAINE. Scientific Bulletin of Dnipro State University of Internal Affairs, (1), 332–337. https://doi.org/10.31733/2078-3566-2021-1-332-337