internally displaced persons, health care, institutional mechanism, rights and freedoms, martial law, territorial integrity, public authorities.Abstract
The article is devoted to defining the essence and components of the institutional mechanism for ensuring the right to health care for internally displaced persons in Ukraine. The importance of the institutional mechanism for ensuring the right to health care for internally displaced persons in Ukraine is due to the following circumstances: a) military aggression against Ukraine, which led to a sharp increase in the number of internally displaced persons in need of ensuring the right to health care; b) increased burden on the national health care system in the context of martial law and ongoing reforms; c) social vulnerability of internally displaced persons; d) the need to ensure that internally displaced persons have access to all components of the right to health care; e) reviewing the priority of ensuring the right to health care, taking into account the provisions of international and national legislation; f) adaptability of the mechanism to internal and external threats in order to minimize damage to the protected right. The author proposes to understand the institutional mechanism for ensuring the right to health care of internally displaced persons in Ukraine as a system of state and non-state institutions whose powers are enshrined in national and international legislation and whose activities are aimed at comprehensive ensuring the right to health care of internally displaced persons in Ukraine. The system of institutions that form an integral mechanism for ensuring the right to health care for internally displaced persons includes: subjects of power in the field of health care; public administration bodies responsible for ensuring the rights of this category of persons; non-governmental participants in ensuring the right to health care. The specific features of the mechanism include: a) its functioning as a component of a broader entity - the mechanism of legal regulation; b) imperfection of the legal framework governing the protection of the right to health care for the category of persons under study; c) formation of a system for ensuring the right to health care from state and non-state institutions; d) dynamic structure of the mechanism due to its operation during the special period of martial law, as well as restoration of the territorial integrity of the State.
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