weapons, firearms, civilian firearms, circulation, legal regulation, administrative and legal regulation of circulation of civilian firearms.Abstract
The article highlights the administrative and legal aspects of the state of legislation in the field of civilian firearms circulation in Ukraine today. An analysis of the legal system covering administrative and legal issues regarding the essence, characteristics and peculiarities of the circulation of civilian firearms in Ukraine, in particular under martial law, was carried out. It has been established that there is currently no valid Law on the circulation of civilian firearms, which is due to great contradictions in society, the consequences of which are a large number of draft laws in the parliament. It was determined that in the last two years, four draft laws on the circulation of weapons were registered and the Law of Ukraine «On ensuring the participation of civilians in the defense of Ukraine» was adopted in 2022, the purpose of which was to provide Ukrainians with the opportunity for civilians to take an active part in the national resistance and the need for citizens to protect themselves and relatives of the invaders. Characteristic features and specific signs of civilian firearms are highlighted. The draft Laws and the views of scientists regarding the definition of the concept of «trafficking in civilian firearms» were analyzed. The author’s own definition of the concept of the circulation of civilian firearms is proposed, as the granting by the state to citizens, in accordance with the procedure established by law, of the right to own a weapon (of a certain category), as well as all other actions related to it, namely the production of weapons, trade in weapons, sale, exchange, donation, transfer, acquisition, collection, exhibition, inheritance, accounting, storage, carrying, transportation, transportation, use, repair, withdrawal, theft, loss, emasculation, deactivation, utilization, importation of weapons into Ukraine and exportation of weapons from Ukraine, which does not belong to military or service weapons, i.e. not related to the performance of professional activities of law enforcement agencies.
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