coercion, administrative coercion, principle, legality, observance of legality, principles of application of administrative coercion measures.Abstract
The article, based on the analysis of current legislation, available scientific, journalistic and methodical sources, clarified the essence and characteristic features of compliance with the principle of legality during the application of administrative coercion measures. The characteristic features of compliance with the principle of legality during the application of administrative coercive measures have been identified, which are that: legality: 1) is a determining prerequisite for the application of administrative coercive measures; 2) provides for an exclusive list of grounds for consideration by authorized bodies and officials of only those cases under their jurisdiction, and the choice of the type and amount of penalty within the limits of the powers granted; 3) is a deterrent to violations of citizens' rights by subjects of administrative jurisdiction, a tool for preventing illegal or unjustified use of such measures; 4) provides for the observance of a number of procedural and procedural conditions, the authorization or obtaining the permission of the relevant officials to carry out certain actions, the observance of a number of restrictions and prohibitions during the application of such measures; 5) is provided by various types of control activities, various ways of response of state bodies to the appeals of citizens for the purpose of legal protection and protection of their rights and freedoms. The essence of compliance with the principle of legality during the application of administrative coercion measures is clarified, which consists in: firstly, the human rights role of legality as a deterrent to possible violations by state bodies and their officials, protection of human and citizen rights in the activities of subjects administrative jurisdiction; secondly, in the requirements of strict compliance with the requirements of the Code of Administrative Offenses, laws and acts of subordinate legislation by all subjects of administrative jurisdiction, which express the will of the people, are presented to all officials without exception, authorized to apply measures of administrative coercion; thirdly, in the exercise of powerful state functions on the basis of exact and unconditional implementation of laws, with strict compliance by officials of subjects of administrative jurisdiction with the rights and freedoms of citizens; fourth, in the exercise of public control over compliance by authorized subjects of administrative jurisdiction with the requirements of the legality of the application of coercive measures.
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