
  • Hidaiat Azimov Institute of State and Law named after V. M. Koretsky National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine



legitimate interests, management activities, national security, purpose, provision, state reserve system, tasks.


The article provides a scientific understanding of the state reserve system, as well as the essence of its provision. In accordance with current legislation, the state reserve system in Ukraine comprises bodies and entities that form, store, move, supply, reserve, finance, vacation, refreshment, and undertake other actions related to the resources of the state reserve. These subjects include the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine; the subject, which implements state policy in the field of the state material reserve; and also enterprises, institutions, and organizations. The author proposes to understand the provisions of the state reserve system in three contexts. Firstly, as an integral part (subsystem) of the national security system of Ukraine, and as a special element of the provisions of the national security system of Ukraine. Secondly, as a set of rules governing the activities of subjects in the field of state reservation and their interaction, as well as activities (processes) relating to the use, implementation, and compliance with such rules. Thirdly, as an integrated system of legal, organizational, administrative, and economic measures that create conditions for implementing relations (processes) in the field of state reserve, and thus contribute to the effective formation, accounting, replacement, vacation, and other actions concerning resources that are (should be) in the state reserve. On this basis, it is established that the complex purpose of ensuring the state reserve system is to achieve maximum stability and efficiency in the functioning of subjects in the field of state reserve, thereby protecting the interests of citizens, society, and the state in critical situations. Simultaneously, these relevant interests are ensured by maintaining the proper state of the resource system of the state reserve. This is achieved through the timely identification of risks to the resources of such reserve. The attainment of this objective requires fulfilling several tasks related to ensuring the state reserve system as a special management activity. The main such tasks include, among others, providing the necessary resources to ensure legality, transparency (integrity), and effectiveness of relations and processes in the field of the state reserve; creating an effective regulatory framework and institutional conditions in which it is possible to establish and operate the administrative and legal regime to ensure the system of the state reserve; developing strategies (as well as plans for their implementation) for risk management, and taking actions to overcome challenges of a special period and other crisis situations by proper utilization of the resources of the state reserve system by the subjects of such reserve. The article’s conclusion summarizes the study’s findings and substantiates the need for further research into the fundamentals of the state reserve system.


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How to Cite

Azimov, H. (2024). THE CONCEPT OF THE STATE RESERVE SYSTEM AND ITS PROVISION. Scientific Bulletin of Dnipro State University of Internal Affairs, (2), 411–417.