
  • Yuriy I. Parshyn
  • Maryna Y. Parshyna
  • Luidmila I. Yarmolenko



information technologies, digital platforms, security, information technology trends.


The importance of the use of the information technologies at the present stage of human development in all spheres of activity has been noted. Their use can significantly increase the efficiency of tasks related to the processing of the large amounts of information, its storage, transmission, retrieval, etc. Implementation and use of the information technologies in the activities of the Internal Affairs will allow to increase productivity. Development and implementation of the modern information technologies are taking place in many areas, and comprehension of their application will help to avoid unnecessary costs and more effectively implement them in the activities of the Internal Affairs. It has been noted that influence of factors both at the macrolevel and at the global level derives the system from its relative equilibrium state and encourages to decision-making relative to bringing the system to a new level with a relatively stable state. Such a factor is the global pandemic, and the tools to overcome it are the latest information systems and technologies. Emphasis has been placed on the development of new areas and technologies in global communication between different areas of activity, and the use of digital platforms has been proved to be promising, which provides a number of opportunities. The evolution of law enforcement agencies has been provided and macrolevel tendencies which determine their development have been stood out. Innovations in the practical activities of law enforcement agencies have been shown, which translate the processes to a higher technological and organizational level through the use of the information technologies. Global trends in the development of new information technologies have been investigated, and in terms of the benefit of their use in law enforcement agencies, their sequence has been provided. Priority of their use can be represented as follows: big data analytics, artificial intelligence, cloud solutions, Internet of Things and so on. It has been emphasized that the urgent needs of the present time act as factors in the development of the new information technologies, and, in the same time, the information sphere acquires systemically formative significance for society.


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How to Cite

Parshyn, Y. I., Parshyna, M. Y., & Yarmolenko, L. I. (2024). USE OF THE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES AT THE INTERNATIONAL LEVEL OF PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS. Scientific Bulletin of Dnipro State University of Internal Affairs, (1), 321–326.