public, pre-trial investigation, investigative measure, organization, system, structure, investigative (search) action.Abstract
The article examines the theoretical and praxeological problems of organizing the use of the public by criminal police units during operational and investigative support of criminal proceedings. The author obtained the results in the form of the following conclusions: I. The organization of the use of the public by criminal police units during operative and investigative activities should be considered at the following levels: strategic, operational, tactical. II. It is proposed to classify the organization of the use of the public by the criminal police units during operational investigative support of criminal proceedings according to the following system-forming components: 1. According to the organization of work as part of the investigative and operational group: a) organization of the use of the public during the execution of orders (instructions) of the investigator (inquirer) in the composition of the investigative and operative group at the regular parts of police bodies and units; b) the organization of the use of the public during the execution of the instructions (instructions) of the investigator (investigator) as part of investigative and operational groups created for pre-trial investigation of criminal offenses. 2. According to the types of operational measures and procedural actions carried out by employees of criminal police units during a pre-trial investigation: a) organization of the use of the public during the execution of the instructions of the investigator (investigator), prosecutor to conduct public investigative (search) actions; b) the organization of the use of the public during the execution of the orders of the investigator (investigator), the prosecutor to conduct covert investigative (search) actions; c) organization of the use of the public during search activities (operational (initiative) search activities); 3. According to the initial organizational scenarios: a) initiated by an investigator, inquirer, prosecutor and assigned to an operative; b) initiated by an operative: agreed with the investigator (investigator), prosecutor; initiated and carried out by an operative independently or in agreement with the head of the criminal police unit; c) initiated by a public representative. III. The main problems of the organization of the use of the public by the criminal police units during the operational and investigative support of the pre-trial investigation are highlighted.
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