operative and search activity, information, information support, access to information, human rights, restriction of rights, crime, illegal activity, society, efficiency.Abstract
The article is about the features of access to information of units that carry out operative and search activity in the conditions of information and technical progress. The influence of the level of access to information on the effectiveness of measures carried out by operative divisions is highlighted. A characterization of the current state of informatization of society and the level of information and analytical support for operative and search activity was carried out, taking into account the modern needs for access to information. The insufficient level of use of information and analytical systems in Ukraine compared to other Western countries is indicated. Examples of the use of analytics for operative purposes in other countries are given. Attention is drawn not to the need to implement positive foreign experience. It was noted that, despite the information and technical progress, such an information resource is ignored as a population, cooperation with which can increase the effectiveness of operative and search measures. The need to use positive stimulation for this purpose is emphasized. Public trust in law enforcement agencies plays an important role in the formation of citizens' willingness to assist operative units by providing information. Therefore, increasing the level of public trust in law enforcement agencies will increase the effectiveness of operative units. It is noted that there is an urgent need to review the existing approaches to the search, processing and analysis of information for operative and search purposes, taking into account the modern development of information technologies. In addition, publicizing positive examples of cooperation with law enforcement agencies will increase the level of trust in the latter, while providing access to information. The set of specified measures will increase the efficiency of obtaining information for operative purposes.
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