operative and search activity, legal regulation, operative and search measure, regulatory and legal support, human rights, illegal activity, effectiveness.Abstract
The article reveals the problems of modern regulatory and legal support of operative and search activity in Ukraine and its impact on the effectiveness of the measures implemented. Attention is drawn to the negative impact of the modern legal provision of the OSA on the effectiveness of combating offenses and supporting national security and defense in wartime conditions. It is indicated that the existing legal means of combating crimes, through the use of operational and search activities, do not meet the real needs of ensuring the safety of society in Ukraine. An analysis of publications containing archival documents from the beginning of the 20th century was carried out. The conducted analysis showed that the methods of assessing the effectiveness of activity have not changed for more than 100 years. A critical comparison of archival normative legal acts and those currently in force was made. Attention is drawn to the fact that the specifics of the war that Ukraine is waging with Russia require effective operative work to detect illegal manifestations both on the part of the enemy's subversive groups and on the part of Ukrainian citizens who are recruited to carry out subversive activities. In addition, regardless of the fact that active hostilities are taking place in several regions, their consequences spread to the entire territory of Ukraine due to a significant increase in the level of illegal manifestations of various degrees of severity, which cannot be detected by any other means than the implementation of operative and search activity. Despite all the obviousness of the importance and irresistibility of operative and search activity in ensuring effective countermeasures against illegal manifestations and ensuring security in the country, the implemented measures are ineffective due to the disregard of legal uncertainty and the inconsistency of regulatory and legal support of operative and search activity with real social relations in this area. The foreign experience of implementation of operative measures to counter crime and the possibility of its implementation in Ukraine were analyzed. It was noted that in the conditions of modern information and technical progress, the application of current legal procedures for the implementation of operative and search activity is not effective.
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