railway transport, railway passenger transportation, amount of passenger transportation, economic security, competitiveness of railway transport.Abstract
The competitiveness of an enterprise in comparison with other entities working with it in the same plane has a significant impact on the results of its activities, including profit. If we talk about railway transport, in the field of providing passenger transportation within the country, then road transport has become a close and fairly significant competitor of railway transport, because the availability of cars to an ordinary citizen, an extensive network of bus routes, competitive cost and speed of delivery of a passenger from point A to point B by road vehicles have significantly weakened the place of rail transport in the passenger transportation market. The following factors negatively influence the volume of passenger transportation by rail in Ukraine: ineffective reforms, their obsolescence and protraction, ineffective industry management system, outdated financial model and tariff setting system. Ensuring a stable, profitable operation of a transport organization by identifying and meeting the needs of passengers to the maximum is the main goal of marketing in the field of passenger transportation. The current tough market conditions for the implementation of financial and economic activities in the field of railway transportation require a change in the policy of using the labor potential of Ukrzaliznytsia in order to increase its financial potential. In the article, the authors, in order to increase the competitiveness of railway transport, note not only on a thorough and large-scale renovation and reconstruction of railway transport infrastructure and rolling stock (with the help of public and private funding), but also the need to determine the needs of the passenger, his hopes and expectations from railway travel (for this it is proposed to create an appropriate marketing service in the structure of the railways, conduct regular surveys of passengers, etc.). The authors consider an increase in the motivation for high-quality performance of official duties by railroad employees as one of the important areas of increasing the competitiveness of rail passenger transportation, because it is they who come into direct contact with passengers and significantly affect the general impression of the passenger from the trip.
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