violence, domestic violence, violation of rights, bullying, illegal actions.Abstract
It was emphasized that violence in the family has catastrophic consequences for both adults and children. Domestic violence, sometimes called intimate partner violence or family violence, can be psychological, physical and/or sexual abuse by one partner against another. Different forms of domestic violence are analyzed. It is emphasized that violence violates the constitutional rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen and can cause moral harm or significant harm to his physical or mental health, as well as threatens the safety and microclimate in the family. It is emphasized that there are regulatory and legislative acts regulating family relations and designed to prevent this shameful phenomenon at the international level and at the national, Ukrainian level. The essence of the concept of «domestic violence» in modern Ukrainian legislation and the interpretation of domestic and foreign scientists is analyzed. It is emphasized that the existing definitions of the concept of domestic violence need to be expanded in order to more specifically identify this illegal phenomenon with the aim of further actions by the relevant authorities and society as a whole to prevent domestic violence. The authors note that the essence of the concept of «domestic violence» consists of two components, the first of which indicates that the events take place at home, and the second – that there is a negative impact, that is, there is a fact of violence of one family member (or several) in relation to another a family member (or several). The proposed own interpretation of the concept of «domestic violence». It is emphasized that the offender is influenced by various objective and subjective factors, and therefore it is necessary to study them and minimize their negative impact on the individual. According to the authors, a clear definition of the essence of a specific concept will contribute to the development of more effective, specific means of combating domestic violence in all its manifestations.
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