administrative law, protection, subjective law, public rights, subjective public rights, form of protection.Abstract
The article deals with study of the issue of the legal nature of the protection of the subjective rights of individuals in administrative law. The article notes that the creation of an effective and integral mechanism for the protection of public rights of individuals, which ensures their restoration and the removal of obstacles to their implementation, is an important element of the further development of our state, as a democratic and legal one. Attention is drawn to the fact that the institution of protection of subjective public rights plays an important role in the implementation of such a task. The article analyzes scientific approaches to defining the concept of subjective public law, to their classification, forms of protection of subjective public rights. It is concluded that the protection of the subjective public rights of individuals is a set of means of human rights guidance, aimed at stopping violations of the rights of individuals, with their restoration or recognition, which is carried out within the limits and in the manner established in the norms of administrative law, with the help of public authorities or a court, or a person whose subjective rights have been violated, independently. The article draws attention to the fact that the protection of the subjective public rights of individuals can take place in jurisdictional or non-jurisdictional forms. Features of jurisdictional and nonjurisdictional forms of protection of subjective public rights are outlined. Attention is drawn to the fact that the imperative of administrative and legal regulation determines the limits and procedures for the implementation of jurisdictional and non-jurisdictional forms of protection of public rights of individuals. It is justified that further scientific research is needed on non-jurisdictional forms of protection of subjective public rights of individuals (for example, conciliation and mediation), which can become an effective method of protection in the future, in the event that jurisdictional forms are ineffective.
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