principle, state policy, implementation of state policy, social security, person with disabilities.Abstract
The article is devoted to the study of the system of principles of state policy for the formation and implementation of social security for persons with disabilities. Within the scope of the research, semantic and doctrinal approaches to the interpretation of the principles were considered, as well as the author's definition of the principles of state policy for the formation and implementation of social protection of persons with disabilities was proposed as the basic starting principles that have a systemic, imperative nature and are aimed at regulating the process of formation and implementation of state policy in the field of social security of persons with disabilities. The article argues the need to study the system of principles in the context of the state policy of formation and implementation of social security for persons with disabilities, emphasizing both the theoretical and practical meaning. The author gives the approaches of domestic scientists to the classification of principles. The article also demonstrates the principles of social protection of persons with disabilities, which are enshrined in international legal and national normative acts. In particular, among them are the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and Recommendation R(92) 6 of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, which are generally recognized and implemented by Ukraine. The author provides an author's approach to the classification of the principles of state policy for the formation and implementation of social security for persons with disabilities. Thus, among the principles, it is proposed to distinguish two groups, namely: system-wide and specialized-structural, which in turn are divided into target, functional, and organizational-procedural ones.
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