


sovereignty, virtual sovereignty, information sovereignty, sovereignty in cyberspace, digital sovereignty.


The article discusses information sovereignty and its content. Its interpretation is given. It is noted that the evolution of information sovereignty in modern conditions is undergoing significant changes. The scope of understanding of information sovereignty has been expanded in accordance with its content. This approach allows us to perceive the components of information sovereignty as separate types of sovereignty. In modern conditions of the development of the information society, in the conditions of globalization, the role of the state as a political and territorial organization of society is changing significantly, but it is not only about its functional purpose. A new legal space of a supranational character is emerging. At the same time, the real geographical space, defined by state borders, also acquires certain transformational processes. In particular, it is complemented by the network, virtual space, which in turn affects the addition of the understanding of the informational component of state sovereignty, or informational sovereignty. At the same time, the active development of digital technologies, global access to the Internet, as well as the formation and active transformation of neutron networks and artificial intelligence, are not always positively perceived in terms of the implementation of legal norms, regulation of the information space with the help of national and international law. The study of issues, the understanding of sovereignty in modern legal science occupies a special place. The modern understanding of state sovereignty is multifaceted and, in addition to legal or politicaleconomic aspects, is inextricably linked with modern integration processes of both the state itself and its society as a whole. The transformation of the legal space today has a supranational nature, not limited by territorial boundaries, which, in turn, is determined not only by the existence of interstate and supranational entities, but also by a significant expansion of the possibilities of interactive communication between various legal subjects with the help of the latest information technologies and networks Internet. The modern understanding of state sovereignty is multifaceted and, in addition to legal or political-economic aspects, is inextricably linked with modern integration processes of both the state itself and its society as a whole. In our opinion, information sovereignty involves the implementation of an independent information policy, control over information network flows, under the conditions of ensuring freedom of speech, the right to privacy and the right of the population to receive reliable information We believe that the problem of virtual sovereignty is significantly complicated by the technical possibilities of provision by the state. But, the inability to establish comprehensive control over virtual reality does not mean the inability to form its own resource components and protect its sovereign rights regarding state objects in the cyber infrastructure. The question of defining virtual sovereignty is connected with the problem of the formation of a fundamentally new power – network power, or netocracy. One of the important elements of information sovereignty is its intellectual component. In itself, it covers various aspects of intellectual life and various subjects – bearers of intelligence. In the conditions of a unified information space, when information is a commodity, and the role of the results of intellectual activity has acquired great importance for the development of society and the state, the following problems, in our opinion, are relevant: - the problem of intellectual sovereignty of the state, which directly depends on the level of its intellectual potential; - the problem of intellectual sovereignty of the people, related to education and its correspondence to modern scientific knowledge; – the problem of intellectual sovereignty of individual social groups, and people, in the aspect of creating appropriate conditions for the development of their intellectual capabilities in general and intellectual emigration in particular. - the problem of approaches to understanding the limits and prospects of further transformation of artificial intelligence, and those consequences that can significantly affect the future as a whole. The image component of information sovereignty should be understood as: its purposefully or spontaneously formed image of the state, based on socio-psychological, moral and value aspects of the development of society, which reflects the effectiveness of its state structures, the legitimacy of state power, authority in the international arena, degrees of openness and objectivity in relations with society, the possibility of effective public control over state policy and the level of patriotism of its population.


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How to Cite

Taldykin, O. (2024). INFORMATION SOVEREIGNTY AND ITS CONTENT. Scientific Bulletin of Dnipro State University of Internal Affairs, (2), 132–138.

