state, science of the state, statology, object of statology, subject of statology.Abstract
The article reflects the author’s vision of the object and subject of statology as the science of the state. The object of statology defines human society as a part of social reality that gives rise to the state and determines all its properties depending on the peculiarities of its historical development. The author points out that there are different approaches to defining the subject matter of the science of the State. The first approach defines the subject matter of State science as a certain complex of theoretical knowledge about the State which is an integral part of theoretical jurisprudence (Yu. Oborotov, A. Kryzhanovskyi). Another approach defines «state studies» as the science of the state, which is at the same time the subject of a number of other sciences: first of all, philosophy, history, political science, general theory of state and law, constitutional law (V. Pogorilko and S. Bobrovnyk). The third approach defines the subject of state studies as «the state and statehood» (V. Chirkin, V. Sukhonos), and the fourth – «state reality» (M. Damirli). It is concluded that the optimal opinion is that of those specialists who define the State as the subject of «science of the State». «Statehood» and «State reality» raise the author’s doubts about their definition as such a subject, since by their scope and content they are derived from the State. Since the state, as an «imprint» of society, is a multifaceted phenomenon in which all the properties (features) of this society are manifested as separate facets, then the state, as a subject of statology, should be understood as a historically determined form of the general existence of people, which is reflected in an organically constructed , an integrated and at the same time multifaceted subsystem of society, which reflects its inherent social, economic, political, legal, mental, aesthetic, psychological and other properties.
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