


organized crime, organized groups, criminal organizations, banditry, criminological characteristics.


Modern society is faced with the complex problem of organized crime, which in turn is a serious threat to public safety and law and order. This article contains an analysis of the criminological characteristics of crime committed by organized groups and criminal organizations. The results of the study highlight the main indicators of persons participating in organized groups and criminal organizations, quantitative indicators, objects and tools of committing illegal acts. Organized crime is characterized by a high level of organization, systematicity and hierarchical structure. Enforcers play specialized roles, ensuring the effective operation of the organization, which is aimed at illegal activities. The study analyzes in detail the scale and types of criminal offenses committed by criminal groups, including illegal trafficking of drugs, weapons, explosives, human trafficking and other illegal, criminally punishable acts. In addition, the work draws attention to the importance of cooperation and connections between criminal organizations, in particular interregional and transnational ones. Attention is paid to areas that are encroached upon by members of groups and organizations in the process of illegal activity. This research work can be useful for law enforcement officers, practitioners and scientists, aimed at understanding the specifics of organized crime and developing strategies to combat it. Coverage of this topic contributes to a deeper understanding of the nature and scope of this problem, and can also serve as a basis for further research and development of measures to combat and prevent organized crime.


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How to Cite

Tkachenko, P. (2024). CRIMINOLOGY CHARACTERISTICS OF CRIMES COMMITTED BY ORGANIZED GROUPS AND CRIMINAL ORGANIZATIONS. Scientific Bulletin of Dnipro State University of Internal Affairs, (3), 325–334.