


purpose, tasks, inquiry, inquirer, criminal offense, criminal misdemeanor, criminal proceedings, prevention.


The article outlines the purpose and tasks of the inquirer’s activity in the prevention of criminal offenses. It is determined that the prevention of criminal offenses by the inquirer is a complex criminological activity to detect, stop criminal offenses, investigate criminal offenses, establish their causes and conditions with the aim of preventing the occurrence of socially dangerous consequences or their recurrence, compensation for damage from criminal offenses, restoration of violated rights and legitimate interests of individuals and legal entities, as well as preventive influence on persons prone to illegal behaviour. It is concluded that the purpose outlines the strategic level of activity in the field of crime fighting, and the task is a manifestation of tactics for the prevention of criminal offenses, which detail the general and special goals. The main criminal procedural tasks of the inquirer are defined in Art. 2 and are implemented by means of the powers specified in Art. 40-1 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine, are directly dependent on the types of criminal practices detected and investigated by the inquirer, namely criminal misdemeanors with the implementation of a criminological component – prevention of criminal offenses through the primary accumulation of empirical material, the creation of an information and analytical base on the causes and conditions of crime and determination of effective means of prevention. The general tasks of the inquirer should include the protection of the individual, society, and the state from criminal offenses, protection of the rights, freedoms, and legitimate interests of the participants in criminal proceedings, as well as ensuring a quick, complete, and impartial investigation. The inquirer directs his efforts to the special tasks that stand at various stages of the investigation: a) prevention of prepared and immediate termination of already started criminal offenses; b) the most complete identification during the investigation of the causes of criminal misdemeanors and the conditions that contributed to their commission; c) taking the necessary measures to eliminate them.


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How to Cite

Telen, O. (2024). THE PURPOSE AND TASKS OF THE INQUIRER’S ACTIVITY IN THE PREVENTION OF CRIMINAL OFFENSES. Scientific Bulletin of Dnipro State University of Internal Affairs, (3), 319–325.