reintegration, temporarily occupied and annexed territories, russian aggression, foreign experience of reintegration of temporarily occupied and annexed territories, implementation.Abstract
The article examines the foreign experience of forming a model of reintegration of temporarily occupied and annexed territories in Ukraine. The main directions and legal instruments regarding the implementation of foreign experience in the reintegration of temporarily occupied and annexed territories into the national practice of public authorities of Ukraine are analyzed. The main forms of reintegration of territories temporarily occupied and annexed by Ukraine are determined. The author refers to the main forms of reintegration of temporarily occupied and annexed territories by Ukraine: 1) political and diplomatic reintegration of temporarily occupied and annexed territories with the involvement of an international component; 2) socio-economic and cultural reintegration of temporarily occupied and annexed territories. The proposed forms include international practice (means), various aspects and efforts of the countries of the world, which at one time carried out the reintegration of temporarily occupied and annexed territories. Political-diplomatic reintegration of temporarily occupied and annexed territories with the involvement of an international component involves the involvement of international organizations and the use of relevant recommendations. It is proposed to consider the creation of temporary international administrations as one of the ways to speed up the reintegration of the temporarily occupied and annexed territories of Ukraine. Socio-economic and cultural reintegration of temporarily occupied and annexed territories consists of national internal components, which are implemented in a complex and with the involvement of a wide range of subjects. The author considers the availability of appropriate legislation, the involvement of the civil sector, and the creation of an informational reintegration policy to be the main components. The directions of implementation of foreign experience of reintegration of temporarily occupied and annexed territories into the national practice of public authorities of Ukraine are determined: 1) harmonization of national legal acts with international documents on reintegration issues; 2) reception of certain provisions of the legislation of foreign countries on the reintegration of temporarily occupied and annexed territories; 3) adoption of national legislation defining the principles of the state policy of reintegration of temporarily occupied and annexed territories and their inhabitants.
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