
  • Hidaiat Azimov Institute of State and Law named after V. M. Koretsky National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine



functions, management activities, national security, provision, special period, state reserve system, task.


The present article clarifies the contents of the state reserve system in Ukraine and enumerates its main tasks and functions. State reserve systems play a crucial role in achieving the objectives of national security activities, the author argues. These tasks serve to ensure that the corresponding objectives are comprehensively fulfilled in accordance with the requirements of legality, integrity, scientific advancements, and managerial tradition, while also taking into account the best practices of public administration, and ensuring efficiency and effectiveness. The main tasks identified by the author include the provision of necessary resources to ensure the emergence and flow of processes and procedures in the state reserve field that align with national security requirements. Additionally, the creation of an effective regulatory framework and institutional conditions for the functioning of subjects within the state reserve system is deemed crucial. The development of strategies, along with implementation plans, to manage risks and overcome challenges in special periods and crisis situations is also among the tasks. Supervision of the adequacy of the state reserve, as well as the management and utilization of subjects in the state reserve system, is another key task. Ensuring interaction and collaboration between national and foreign subjects of the system, along with international governmental and non-governmental organizations, is also imperative. Furthermore, the author emphasizes the implementation of effective personnel policies within the subjects of the state reserve system. He also emphasizes the importance of public control over the effectiveness of the state reserve system. A significant amount of attention is given to the functions of providing to the state reserve system, as they are instrumental to the success of the system. These functions are implemented through specific procedures and the use of diverse forms and methods of management activities. By performing these functions, the activities of all subjects within the state reserve system can be streamlined, assuming the implementation of various types of administrative activities as specified by administrative legislation. This is crucial in ensuring the successful execution of the main functions of subjects within the state reserve system. The primary functions of providing the state reserve system include strategic (predictive), planning, rule-making, constituent, prevention, control, and protective functions. The article's conclusions summarize the study's findings and present future prospects for researching the foundations of the state reserve system in the context of its ongoing reform.


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How to Cite

Azimov, H. (2024). THE MAIN TASKS AND FUNCTIONS OF PROVIDING THE STATE RESERVE SYSTEM. Scientific Bulletin of Dnipro State University of Internal Affairs, (3), 287–292.