firearms, application/use of firearms, active use of firearms, police officer.Abstract
This article examines the issue of active use of firearms by the police. According to the legislation of Ukraine, firearms are the most severe measure of coercion and can be used in cases of protection of the life of a police officer and other persons, after a warning to stop illegal actions. The authors propose to define the concept of "active use of firearms" by describing its components: exposing the weapon, bringing it to combat readiness, directing and firing several shots. This article also draws attention to the psychological factors that affect police officers during the active use of weapons, such as stress, the effect of adrenaline, the psychological effect of defeat, training and experience, moral and ethical beliefs. Consideration of these factors is important to improve the efficiency and safety of police officers in the performance of their duties. the article emphasizes the importance of training police officers for the development of stress resistance, cognitive skills in stressful situations, ethical understanding and moral sphere. This helps improve their reactions and decision-making during active firearms use. Analyzing psychological factors such as stress and anxiety, the effect of adrenaline, the psychological effect of defeat also helps to understand the impact of these factors on police officers during the active use of firearms. For example, stress and anxiety can negatively affect the accuracy and speed of a police officer's reactions, and the effect of adrenaline can simultaneously increase physical strength and reduce shooting accuracy. It is important to understand that psychological factors can vary depending on specific situations and individual characteristics of police officers. Therefore, the development of appropriate training programs and training that take these factors into account is an important aspect of professional training of police officers. In general, the article emphasizes the need to study and understand the psychological aspects of the active use of firearms by the police. This will help improve the training of police officers, ensure their safety and ensure the effective performance of their duties in dangerous situations.
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