innovative technologies, fire training, police officers, interactive multimedia shooting ranges, virtual reality.Abstract
The fire training of police officers is an integral part of the modern law enforcement system, but in order to effectively combat crime, it is necessary to constantly improve the quality of training and education. Thanks to the rapid development of innovative technologies, today the police have new opportunities for improving fire training and improving the professional skills of police officers. Weapons have to be applied and used in quite different conditions: in populated areas, on transport, in the field, in the forest, and in some cases in crowded places. And every time, using a weapon, a policeman must (obliged) be able to hit the target with one or two shots, if necessary. And such results can be achieved only when you learn to master weapons perfectly. Possession of a weapon is the ability in various and unexpected situations, from any position, regardless of the method of firing, not only to hit the target, but also to shoot accurately at the intended points on the target; lawful use of weapons during the detention of a criminal or his escort, etc. This article is devoted to the study of innovative technologies used in the fire training system of police officers. The article examines the modern aspects and opportunities that these technologies offer to police officers in improving their skills, safety and efficiency in their work. Aspects such as the use of interactive multimedia shooting ranges and virtual reality, interactive simulators and computer programs, artificial intelligence systems, biometric systems, as well as distance learning systems and online courses are considered in detail. Emphasis is placed on the importance of developing specialized devices and equipment for police officers. This article aims to acquaint readers with the latest developments and technologies that help police officers to improve their professional training and efficiency in the performance of official duties.
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