


criminal proceedings, forensic methods, investigator, object of forensic methods, cross-species forensic methods.


The article examines the scientific approaches and opinions of forensic scientists regarding the concept of forensic methodology. Forensic methodology as a branch of the science of criminology is a system of scientific provisions and practical recommendations developed on their basis for the investigation of certain types of criminal offenses. The object of research of forensic methodology, which is the activity of investigating criminal offenses with the relevant subjects, clearly defined by the Code of Criminal Procedure of Ukraine and other normative legal acts, has been analyzed. The sources of the formation of forensic methods, the initial provisions, laws that influence the formation of conceptual foundations and new methods of investigation, are considered. They are: legal norms, in particular criminal and criminal procedural legislation, which establish the signs of the composition of a criminal offense, as well as the subject and limits of evidence during the investigation in criminal proceedings; sections of criminology: general theory of criminology, forensic techniques and forensic tactics, as well as theoretical provisions of other sciences closely related to criminology; the practice of investigating criminal offences, in particular investigative, expert, investigative, prosecutorial, judicial activity. Attention is paid to the practical use of forensic methods developed by science. The need to create separate interspecies methods of investigation, which unite groups of homogeneous criminal offenses, are characterized by the highest level of generalization and can be used by practical workers at any stage of the investigation, is substantiated.


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How to Cite

Volikov, T. (2024). THEORETICAL CONCEPTS OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF CRIMINAL FORENSIC METHODS. Scientific Bulletin of Dnipro State University of Internal Affairs, (3), 258–265.

