learning technology, game technology, method, quest, legal education.Abstract
The article examines the experience of implementing quest technologies in the process of training future professionals at the Dnepropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs. According to the results of the analysis of scientific and reference literature to define the concept and essence of the game, it is stated that scientists recognize its high effectiveness for adult learning compared to traditional pedagogical methods, emphasizing its significant advantages. It is emphasized that answering the questions and completing the tasks of the quest as part of the team, the cadets not only learn but also teach each other, exchange experience and knowledge, acquire "soft skills". It is stated that web-quests can be effectively used in extracurricular work of higher education students in order to increase the productivity of their independent work, the development of logical and creative thinking, stimulating cognitive motivation during distance learning. It is emphasized that in the conditions of distance learning quests in the form of a professional computer game deserve special attention, the software of which will provide an opportunity to assess the correctness of the decisions of each of its participants during the tasks. It is emphasized that the use of the educational-interactive complex "Line-102" creates unique conditions for the development of creative potential of cadets and at the applied level connects the educational process with the practical component of the future profession. It is emphasized that conducting practical classes in the form of a quest using the opportunities of training grounds of the university gives higher education students the opportunity to approach the realities of practice, demonstrate the level of theoretical material, identify shortcomings in the organization and conduct of activities, including in compiling operational and service and procedural documents. Emphasis is placed on the peculiarities of the methodology of conducting and evaluating practical classes in the form of a quest in the process of training future police officers at each stage, as well as semester exams, defense practice (internship), state certifications. Emphasis was placed on the positive assessment of practitioners of the National Police involved in their implementation at the Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs. In addition, their effectiveness and expediency of further use by higher education institutions with specific training conditions that train police officers are substantiated.
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