


administrative-legal prevention, administrative-legal regulation, transport, transport accident rate, transport accident, violation of shipping safety rules, violation of road traffic rules, violation of railway transportation rules, violation of sea transportation rules, violation of flight safety rules.


The article, based on the analysis of current legislation, available scientific, journalistic and methodological sources, including foreign experience, clarifies the essence and significance of administrative and legal prevention of traffic offenses. It is emphasized the need to recognize traffic injuries as a priority object of administrative and legal prevention, which is a set of measures of a social, legal, organizational, informational and other nature, aimed at identifying and eliminating the causes and conditions that contribute to traffic accidents, as well as providing educational influence on traffic participants in order to prevent them from committing illegal acts while traveling by various types of transport. The need to recognize traffic offenses as a priority object of administrative and legal prevention is also due to the preventive nature of preventive measures, which in the early stages make it impossible to commit traffic accidents, contribute to increasing the legal awareness of participants in transport legal relations, the formation of safe behavior skills in them, the identification of potentially dangerous situations objects of transport infrastructure, places of concentration of traffic accidents and accident sites, search for ways of effective influence on potential factors that determine transport accidents. It has been established that such elements are inherent in the administrative and legal regulation of the prevention of transport accidents as: the goals and objectives of activities to prevent the commission of offenses by participants in transport legal relations; subjects and objects of prevention; relationship between system elements; forms and methods used by subjects in the indicated direction of prevention. The essence of the administrative and legal prevention of traffic offenses is revealed through its performance of a certain set of functions and implementation, based on this, of the corresponding tasks. The functions of this type of prevention include preventive-regulatory, protective, educational, ideological and prognostic functions.


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How to Cite

Sobakarʹ, A., & Dzhenchako, T. (2024). ADMINISTRATIVE AND LEGAL REGULATION OF PREVENTION OF TRANSPORT OFFENSES. Scientific Bulletin of Dnipro State University of Internal Affairs, (3), 167–172.

