social protection, public service, element, social security.Abstract
It was found that the social sucurity of civil servants is a system of measures and guarantees determined by the norms of the current legislation, which provide financial, material and social support to civil servants and their family members in the event of the occurrence of certain social risks, such as: illness, temporary loss of working capacity , receiving injuries during official activities, etc. It is emphasized that elements of social sucurity are specific measures and mechanisms that ensure social protection of civil servants and their families in cases related to the performance of official duties, as well as in other cases when it is necessary to ensure a sufficient standard of living and social support. The relevant elements are proposed to include: 1) social security; 2) social assistance (social benefits); 3) social standards; 4) social insurance. A brief description of the above elements is provided. It is emphasized that the selection of the elements of the social protection system makes it possible to understand the structure of the system itself and to determine its structural and functional connections and relations that arise during the implementation by civil servants of their rights to social protection. It was established that high-quality and effective social sucurity of civil servants is important because: firstly, it is an important guarantee that civil servants carry out their official and labor activities qualitatively and efficiently; secondly, it improves the general image of the civil service as a sphere of population employment; thirdly, it is an important preventive tool for prevention of corruption in the work of state authorities; fourthly, proper social protection will ensure the stability of the personnel potential of state authorities.
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