pre-trial investigation, interaction, investigator, operational unit.Abstract
The article analyzes the essence of the outlined problem, focuses on the importance of the investigator's interaction with operational units in the pre-trial investigation of criminal offenses, outlines the concept, which is defined as a comprehensive and purposeful process of communication between different actors involved in criminal proceedings. , is the ultimate goal, which makes it possible to obtain factual information about the event of a criminal offense. This gave grounds for distinguishing the essence of this process, which in general is distinguished by the fact that the investigator is a procedural person who is directly responsible for the quality of pre-trial investigation, its planning and effectiveness of investigative (search) actions, their timeliness and consistency. It is also argued that the issues of theoretical generalization of the elements of the process of interaction of the investigator in the pre-trial investigation were effectively and accurately formulated in the above stages, which partially duplicate the stages of the pre-trial investigation. However, the proposed approach of individual researchers to differentiate the interaction not only in terms of criminal procedural law, but also from the standpoint of operational and investigative activities, as a process can also be useful in planning a pre-trial investigation. This logically gives grounds to claim that the interaction with operational units is based on close and coordinated cooperation within the current legislation, on the initiative of both parties, as well as the planned conduct of any investigative or non-public investigative (search) actions. The author, as a result of the received interpretations of basic terms it was given an opportunity to investigate its stages. Therefore, the approaches of scientists to determine the stages of interaction in the pre-trial investigation of criminal offenses are analyzed, they are generalized, and the most effective approach to their structuring for theory and practice is determined.
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