archaeological research, permission, archaeologist, legal regulation, archaeological heritage.Abstract
The scientific article is devoted to the problems of legal regulation of archaeological research in Ukraine. Legislative and by-laws, which regulate the procedure for obtaining a permit for archaeological research, are studied. The obtaining permission procedure for archaeological exploration and excavation is analyzed. Deficiencies in the legal regulation of the obtaining permission procedure for archaeological research are identified. It is proposed to make changes to the legislation to improve the procedure for obtaining a permission for carring out archaeological research. It is concluded that it is possible to carry out archaeological research in Ukraine only based on a permission issued by the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine. To obtain such a permission, a state scientific institution, museum, or institution of higher education, which has a structural division in its composition - an archaeological expedition, must apply. The permission is issued in the name of a researcher who has confirmed his high qualification level based on the decision of the qualification council. It is proposed to determine the legal status of the qualification council as a subdivision of the Institute of Archeology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine or as a separate state scientific institution. It is necessary to establish the procedure for judicial and administrative appeal of the decisions of the qualification council. Furthermore, it is proposed to define the term "archaeological expedition" not as a division of a scientific institution or institution of higher education but as a group of persons who have received permission to conduct archaeological research. It is necessary to establish the order of formation of an archaeological expedition from among many scientific and scientific-practical workers of various higher education institutions and research institutes. It is worth predicting the legal basis for the participation of students in archaeological expeditions.
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