institutional mechanism, human rights and freedoms, internally displaced persons, guarantees, state authorities, National Police, martial law.Abstract
Everyone’s right to professional legal aid is considered in a subjective sense. It was found that the question of defining the concept we are studying remains debatable for jurisprudence. The views of scientists on the content of the concept of the right to professional legal aid existing in modern jurisprudence are disclosed. The pluralism of approaches to understanding the concept of everyone’s right to professional legal assistance was considered and its content was clarified. To achieve the goal, a worldview dialectical approach was used, which is based on the principles of the development of the phenomenon under study and its relationship with other legal phenomena, as well as a formal-logical and special legal method of research, with the help of which the semantic load of the studied term was clarified. Concept. Based on the analysis of the existing judgments of domestic scientists about the right to professional legal aid as one of the inalienable rights of everyone, the author provided some comments and clarifications. It was determined that the disadvantage of the vast majority of definitions is tautology – the concept of the right to professional legal assistance is defined by scientists through law. It has been proven that scientists unjustifiably limit the range of subjects who are authorized to provide the opportunity to exercise such a right, and reduce their list to the category of lawyers only. It is emphasized that quite often researchers ignore the fact that the subject can exercise such a right both on a paid and free basis. Taking into account the existing doctrinal approaches to the definition of the concept of the right to professional legal aid made it possible to clarify the definition of the right to professional legal assistance. This right is defined as a measure of the possible behavior of a subject of legal relations, which is provided for by the norms of the national legislation of Ukraine and guaranteed by the state, which requires protection, representation and the provision of other types of support, which is ensured by the legal obligation of a lawyer with a sufficient level of professional competence to provide such subject on a paid basis whether the necessary legal assistance is provided free of charge.
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