combating domestic violence, protection of rights, martial law, problems of violence, countermeasures, gender-based violence.Abstract
The article covers the issue of preventing and countering domestic violence in Ukraine under martial law. An analysis of available scientific research and legal norms regulating the mechanism of prevention and countermeasures against domestic violence and gender-based violence was carried out today. It has been established that despite the sufficient state of legal regulation, the statistics of cases of domestic violence are increasing every year, in particular due to the war in Ukraine. It was determined that in order to effectively prevent and counter domestic violence, the victim must exercise his right to protection, that is, contact the relevant authorities for legal assistance. The following barriers that arose as a result of the war and are in the way of victims of domestic violence are characterized: the victim's independent leveling of this problem, that is, now is "not the time"; the need to solve other urgent problems: security, housing, work, children, a new place of residence, a new environment, etc.; location of the victim in a temporary occupation or in a zone of hostilities (does not have access to basic services provided in the territory controlled by Ukraine); travel abroad to a foreign language environment; lack of knowledge of the language and features of response in the country to cases of domestic violence; decrease in the speed of response of police officers to cases of domestic violence in connection with the involvement of officers in the protection of public order, especially in areas close to the combat zone, etc. It has been established that combating domestic violence requires a comprehensive approach from authorized officials of central executive bodies, and it is also necessary to involve public organizations and non-profit organizations, to carry out enhanced preventive work and education of the population regarding the consequences of violence.
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