



notary, notarial proceedings, executive inscription, notarial act, executive document.


The article is devoted to the study of the features of the executive inscription from the point of view of its characteristics as a notarial act. Analyzing various definitions of notarial acts, their features and types, the author comes to the conclusion that the notary's executive inscription is a final, rights-protecting notarial act that has executive force. The executive power is the property that distinguishes it from other notarial acts. Also, this notarial act has a protective effect, since the executive inscription confirms the existence of the debtor's undisputed debt and the creditor's right to collect it. When considering the probative value of the writ of execution, attention is focused on the fact that it takes place in the matter of the established fact of the debtor's violation of his obligations and the existence of an indisputable debt to the creditor. However, in the event that the court considers the case of recognition of the writ of execution as unenforceable, reference to these circumstances is impossible. It was established that the notary's executive inscription has a specific structure compared to other notarial acts. On the one hand, its content must comply with Article 89 of the Law of Ukraine "About the notary", and on the other hand, with Article 4 of the Law of Ukraine "About executive proceedings". This is due to the fact that such a notarial document is simultaneously an executive document, which allows it to be immediately referred to enforcement. It was found that the administrative character is not a special feature of the executive inscription, since the issuance of orders is not typical for notarial activity. The notary has the duty to certify rights and facts that have legal significance. In this regard, the executive inscription should be considered a confirming notarial act. Through the study of the main features of notarial acts and their classifications, the place of the executive inscription in the system of notarial acts has been established. The author's vision of the executive inscription as a notarial act is given.


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How to Cite

Salai, M. (2024). FEATURES OF AN EXECUTIVE INSCRIPTION AS A NOTARIAL ACT. Scientific Bulletin of Dnipro State University of Internal Affairs, (4), 301–306. https://doi.org/10.31733/2078-3566-2023-4-301-306