


tactical and special training, technologies, police unit, experience, police education, model, methods.


This article presents a study of the experience of professional police training in European countries. Special attention is given to the forms and methods of professional education for police officers in the context of the latest demands of the socio-economic life of society. The article also highlights the specifics of service and combat training for police officers in the context of their professional education, considering the sphere of application of their competencies and the peculiarities of social life. The proposals for incorporating this experience into the development of a model for police professional training in general and the enhancement of service and combat training for police officers in Ukraine, in particular, are outlined. This article explores the importance and advantages of utilizing modern technologies in the field of tactical and special training to enhance crime-fighting capabilities. The contemporary social environment and the evolution of criminal methods demand law enforcement agencies and other security forces to constantly update their approaches to training and personnel preparation. The article investigates how cutting-edge technologies, such as virtual reality, artificial intelligence, drones, data analysis, and other innovative tools, can be employed to improve the effectiveness of tactical training. They allow for the creation of realistic simulations, enhance safety during training, and provide data analysis capabilities for refining crime-fighting strategies. The article also discusses the challenges and limitations of employing modern technologies in this field and emphasizes the need to combine technological innovations with traditional training and preparation methods. Therefore, this article underscores the importance of using modern technologies in tactical and special training and their role in enhancing crime-fighting effectiveness and ensuring societal safety.


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How to Cite

Bilichenko, V. (2024). USE OF INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES IN TACTICAL TRAINING FOR EFFECTIVE CRIME PREVENTION. Scientific Bulletin of Dnipro State University of Internal Affairs, (4), 251–256.

