



hate speech, online discourse, the linguistic means, intolerance, discrimination, inciting enmity.


The purpose of the study is to analyze the linguistic means of expressing of “hate speech” using the examples of Ukrainian and English online discourse. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that this study is one of the first in which the linguistic means of expressing of “hate speech” in both Ukrainian and English online discourse are comprehensively analyzed. The article reviews the existing definitions of “hate speech” both in legislation and in the works of linguists. It is determined that the main feature of the rhetoric of enmity is the differentiation of people into “own” and “strangers”. The linguistic means of expressing of “hate speech” are analyzed using the examples of Ukrainian and English online discourse. The common and distinctive features in the linguistic means of expressing of “hate speech” in online discourse are highlighted. The common features include: direct and hidden appeals to violence and discrimination; statements about the criminality and inferiority of one or another religious or ethnic group (using of intolerant words, shortcut words); creating of a negative image of an ethnic, religious or certain social group, mentioning it in a humiliating, abusive context (using of intolerant words, words with negative connotations, negatively colored emotional epithets); division into “We-group” and “They-group” (using of constructions of opposition and comparison, vivid adjectives with positive and negative meaning, where “we” are always positive and “they” are, on the contrary, negative). Among the distinguishing features, based on the analyzed material, it can be noted that in English online discourse there are more expressions of “hate speech” based on racial intolerance. The prospects of further research can be seen in the generalization of the peculiarities of linguistic research, taking into account the specificity of “hate speech” of both Ukrainian and English online discourse.


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How to Cite

Yarosh, A. (2024). «HATE SPEECH» IN UKRAINIAN AND ENGLISH ONLINE DISCOURSE. Scientific Bulletin of Dnipro State University of Internal Affairs, (4), 238–245. https://doi.org/10.31733/2078-3566-2023-4-238-245

