shadow economy, threat, dynamics, instability, shadow sector.Abstract
It has been noted that corruption and organized crime are widespread phenomena that have taken root in all spheres of state functioning and cause enormous damage to its development. The attention is focused on the fact that corruption and related organized crime threaten the national security of Ukraine and negatively affect the formation and functioning of state institutions. The authors have examined issues of the day of necessity of strengthening of fight against the organized crime with the corrupted copulas, as strategic direction of reformation of the system of law enforcement authorities. The attention applies and that one of staples of creation and introduction of the effective anticorruption system there is a clear collaboration of the states. Presented principles of fight against the organized crime and corruption, in accordance with general rules and aims. It has been specified that democratization, openness, transparency and understanding public of state and administrative decisions, are the major instruments of fight against the organized crime and corruption. It has been noted, that a fight against the organized crime related to the corruption must be most complex, related to the anticorruption measures and fight on legalization of the profits got criminal.
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