pre-trial investigation, international cooperation, foreigner, stateless person, forms of international cooperation.Abstract
Given the statistical data published on the official website of the Prosecutor General’s Office, the share of criminal offences committed by foreigners or stateless persons or with their participation in the overall structure of Ukrainian crime is relatively small, but their investigation has its own peculiarities. Thus, the article analyses a number of scientific works and current legislation with a view to defining the theoretical and legal framework for pre-trial investigation of criminal offences committed by foreigners and stateless persons. The author notes that in Ukraine, the legal status of foreigners and stateless persons is determined by the Constitution of Ukraine, laws of Ukraine, and international treaties of Ukraine. If an international treaty of Ukraine establishes rules other than those provided for in the Law of Ukraine "On the Legal Status of Foreigners and Stateless Persons", the rules provided for in such an international treaty of Ukraine shall apply. It is determined that the peculiarity of the stage of criminal proceedings initiation involving foreign citizens and stateless persons is that at the stage of criminal proceedings initiation it is necessary to establish as soon as possible the identities of all foreign citizens and stateless persons who are somehow involved in the criminal offence committed, as well as the circumstances of the criminal offence. In addition, the author identifies the main forms of international cooperation in the field of combating crime, in particular: mutual legal assistance; extradition of individuals who have committed criminal offences for prosecution or execution of a sentence; transfer of persons sentenced to imprisonment for further serving their sentence in the State of their citizenship or permanent residence; exchange of experience of law enforcement agencies of different States in the fight against international crime; provision of expert and consultative services, etc.
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