



criminal proceedings; pre-trial investigation; criminal offenses; constitutional rights of citizens; secret investigative (detective) actions; intelligence activity; electronic evidence; law enforcement agencies; prosecutor; investigator; inquirer; detective; High Anti-Corruption Court; abuse by law enforcement agencies; corruption criminal offenses; abuse of authority by persons providing public services; legalization (laundering) of proceeds obtained through crime.


The article focuses on one of the main issues that arises during pre-trial investigation, both when investigating criminal misdemeanors in the form of an inquiry, and when conducting pre-trial investigation in criminal proceedings about crimes. It is about ensuring the constitutional rights of citizens during conducting secret investigative (detective) actions (SIDA) The issue of ensuring the constitutional rights of citizens when obtaining permits for conducting SIDA, using the results and notifying citizens about conducting SIDA concerning them is raised separately. The authors’ vision of the expediency of introducing one of the additional possible mechanisms for ensuring the constitutional rights of citizens while notifying about conducting SIDA within the framework of a pre-trial investigation is given. Thus, a legislative definition of the procedure for a person to freely receive information regarding conducting SIDA concerning him/her is proposed, including through free access to decisions of investigative judges of the appeals instance, as well as investigative judges of the High Anti-Corruption Court (HACC) on granting permission to conduct SIDA, decreed in accordance with Article 248 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine. From the point of view of ensuring the constitutional rights of citizens, it is established that free access to the decisions of investigative judges on the temporary restriction of the constitutional rights of citizens is one of the safeguards against abuses by law enforcement agencies. In view of the anti-corruption course determined by Ukraine, the issue of ensuring the constitutional rights of citizens when obtaining permits for the conduct, actual conduct, use, notification of the use of SIDA during the investigation of corruption criminal offenses is outlined. Examples of ensuring the constitutional rights of citizens when using the results of SIDA during the investigation and consideration of one of the corruption criminal offenses – abuse of authority by persons providing public services are given. The court decisions of the HACC on the granting of permits to conduct SIDA in criminal proceedings on the legalization (laundering) of proceeds obtained through crime are given. Court decisions regarding consideration of lawsuits for compensation for moral damage caused to a citizen by illegal decisions, actions of bodies carrying out intelligence activities, bodies of pre-trial investigation, prosecutor’s office and the court are analyzed.


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How to Cite

Tagiev, S., Puzyrov, M., & Ivashko, S. (2024). ENSURING THE CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS OF CITIZENS WHEN NOTIFYING ABOUT CONDUCTING SECRET INVESTIGATIVE (DETECTIVE) ACTIONS (PART ІІ). Scientific Bulletin of Dnipro State University of Internal Affairs, (4), 152–161. https://doi.org/10.31733/2078-3566-2023-4-152-161

