


criminalistic tactics, organization of investigation, investigation planning, epidemic (pandemic), COVID-19 and pre-trial investigation, investigative (search) actions, participants in the investigation.


The article identifies the main factors which determine the specifics of organization of pre-trial investigation of criminal offenses in the context of an epidemic (pandemic). It is proposed to divide them into internal and external factors. External factors are elements of the situation in the State as a whole or in a particular territory in connection with the pandemic and the relevant quarantine and other measures taken to overcome its consequences. These include: requirements for mandatory anti-epidemic measures established in the territory where the investigation is conducted; the state of actual compliance with these measures in the state as a whole; the state of legal regulation of the investigation procedure in an epidemic (pandemic); the general state of technical support for the ability to conduct an investigation in compliance with anti-epidemic measures in law enforcement agencies. Internal factors directly characterize the conditions of the investigation of a particular criminal proceeding and the behavior of all its participants. They can be objective and subjective. Objective factors include: the state of morbidity in the territory where the investigation is being conducted, the state of compliance with anti-epidemic measures in a particular pre-trial investigation unit, and the state of technical support for compliance with antiepidemic measures in the unit. Subjective factors are: compliance with anti-epidemic requirements by the investigator and other public authorities involved in the investigation, control over compliance with these measures by the heads of these entities, as well as the behavior of other participants in the proceedings (witnesses, victims, suspects, specialists, witnesses, etc.) under quarantine restrictions. The combination of relevant factors that form the investigative situation affects the planning of the investigation and the creation of appropriate conditions for its conduct both in general and in relation to a particular procedural action.


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How to Cite

Stepaniuk, R. (2024). PECULIARITIES OF ORGANIZING THE INVESTIGATION OF CRIMINAL OFFENSES IN THE CONTEXT OF AN EPIDEMIC (PANDEMIC). Scientific Bulletin of Dnipro State University of Internal Affairs, (4), 146–152.

