vehicle, illegal possession, investigation method, source of evidence, investigative (search) actions, inspection, search.Abstract
The tactics of conducting non-verbal investigative (search) actions, namely inspection and search during the investigation of illegal possession of a vehicle, are considered. At the same time, attention is focused on the purpose and tasks of the specified investigative (search) actions. It is emphasized that the specified investigative (search) actions allow the investigator to directly perceive the situation of the place in which they are conducted and the objects on it for the purpose of detecting traces of a crime, identifying wanted objects and clarifying other circumstances of the event that are important for criminal proceedings, allow you to form an idea about the mechanism of a criminal offense, put forward versions and determine the directions of the investigation. In many cases, the success of the entire investigation depends on the timeliness, urgency and quality of the inspection and search. Depending on the completeness of the orientation information available to the investigator and the investigative situation at a certain moment of the investigation, it is proposed to choose certain tactical methods of inspection and search. When investigating the illegal possession of vehicles, it is advisable to use tactical inspection methods, based on the specific circumstances of the offense committed and taking into account forensic recommendations. The main organizational and tactical foundations of the survey include the following: correct definition of survey boundaries; optimal arrangement and use of forces and means; choosing the most appropriate procedure for moving around the scene during the inspection; determination of the method (tactical techniques) of the overview of the situation at the scene of the event and its individual elements. The use of tactical techniques during the search is mainly determined by the goals and tasks facing the investigator, the initial data at the time of the search, as well as the place of the investigative (search) action itself.
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