russian aggression, war, environmental damage, legislation, environment, monitoring, negative impact.Abstract
Armed conflict is inherently destructive. Environmental damage that occurs during conflict leads to devastating consequences for natural resources, critical ecosystems and people's health, livelihoods and security. Containment, mitigation and restoration of environmental impacts are therefore an important part of conflict response and recovery. The war in Ukraine has resulted in air, water and soil pollution, destruction of forests and wildlife habitats, and damage to the country's infrastructure. Spills of hazardous materials caused further environmental pollution, and the war complicated efforts to solve environmental problems. The relevance of the work lies in the need to account for and confirm the significant impact of military actions on the environment for further planning of the restoration and development of the environmental protection system in the post-war period. The purpose and tasks of the research is to demonstrate the degree and scale of the impact of military actions on the environment in general and the aspect of climate change, in particular, as a result of the military aggression of the russian federation. To achieve the set goal, the following task was performed, namely the study of available theoretical and practical information on this topic. Object of study – smpact of military actions on the environment of Ukraine. Subject of study – public data on environmental risks and damage to the environment. Research methods: analytical calculations based on generally accepted research methods in the field of ecology.
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