fire preparation, multimedia shooting, innovative technologies, simulations, electronic simulators.Abstract
The article investigated positive and negative factors that affect the quality of fire preparation of higher education at institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, the effectiveness of the knowledge and skills of the future police officer, as well as formation as a specialist of the operating police officer. The process of modernization of fire training in Ukraine is considered, emphasis on practical training of policemen, in which innovative learning technologies play a significant role. The expediency of introduction into the educational process of higher education institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Innovative Electronic Tires, the sections of which allows students and listen to acquire and improve the technique of firing, increases their motivation to fire training, help to form and develop operational thinking, ability to effectively and quickly act. To accept responsible decisions during professional duties under normal conditions, conditions of time limit, and sometimes limited resources, in a dark day of day, critical situations, etc. The focusing on the fact that no best interactive simulator can be a method of fire training, but acts as an effective auxiliary agent, which will definitely be available to a relevant fire training specialist in specific shooting exercises.
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