


control, court, administration, institute of management, justice.


Taking into account the study of the institution of control in the public administration of the judicial system of Ukraine, this article offers a comprehensive analysis of the mechanisms and procedures used to ensure legality and discipline in the activities of judicial institutions. The report highlights the variety of levels of control, including internal, external, and public control, and also considers the stages of control activities and their essence. In addition, the study draws attention to the peculiarities of granting control powers to various bodies and institutions of the judicial system of Ukraine. Through the analysis of the variety of sources of control and their interaction, the article offers promising directions for further research in the subject composition of power in the administration of the judicial system. This article is devoted to analyzing the institution of control in the public administration of the judicial system of Ukraine, taking into account various aspects and difficulties that arise in ensuring legality and discipline. Various forms of control, including internal, external, and public management, are considered, and their interrelationship and influence on the activities of judicial institutions are analyzed. In addition, the article draws attention to different levels of control, ranging from inter-organizational interaction to public influence. The report emphasizes the need to improve modern control mechanisms. It promotes the further development of research in this area aimed at improving the legal field and ensuring the effective functioning of the judicial system. To this is added an analysis of modern trends in the control institute, including taking into account the latest technologies and methods that can be applied to increase the effectiveness of control measures. The article emphasizes the need to promote the development of transparency and openness in the activities of judicial bodies to ensure public trust and justice. Further research in this field can contribute not only to the improvement of legal norms but also to the development of a culture of legal interaction between the judicial system and society. The article examines an essential institution of control in the field of public administration of the judicial system of Ukraine and analyzes its key aspects and organizational forms. Based on the conducted research, a comprehensive view of the control mechanisms used to ensure the legality and effectiveness of the activities of judicial institutions is provided. In addition, attention is focused on the role of public control and its influence on the formation of trust in the judicial system. Prospective areas of further research are proposed to improve the institution of power in the general administration of the judicial system to ensure fairness and effective implementation of justice.


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How to Cite

Nikolaichuk, S. (2024). THE SYSTEM OF CONTROL OVER THE ACTIVITY OF COURTS IN UKRAINE. Scientific Bulletin of Dnipro State University of Internal Affairs, (4), 32–36.

