administrative justice, constitutional state, legality, judicial control.Abstract
The article analyzes the role and main features of administrative justice in the system of the modern legal state. Administrative justice is defined as a branch of justice that resolves disputes and issues related to the activities of administrative bodies and local self-government bodies. Administrative justice acts as a key institution for ensuring legality in the administrative and public sphere. Its main purpose is to ensure the rights and interests of citizens and legal entities in relations with public authorities and administrative structures. Administrative justice plays a key role in creating a balance between the powers of government and the rights of citizens, and also contributes to ensuring legality and defining standards for effective public service. The main features of administrative justice in the system of the modern legal state are: the presence of a system of special administrative courts that consider cases related to the activities of state bodies and local self-government bodies; protection of the rights of citizens and legal entities; control over the activities of the authorities; role in protection of rights and freedoms. Administrative justice plays an important role in protecting the rights and freedoms of citizens, especially in cases where their rights are violated or freedom is limited; interaction with other branches of law. Administrative justice interacts with other branches of law, such as constitutional, civil and criminal law, to ensure comprehensive protection of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens. Ukraine, as a state governed by the rule of law, strives to develop and improve the system of administrative justice, providing an effective mechanism for the protection of citizens' rights and control over the activities of state bodies.
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