


information systems, financial management, fintech, cyber security, financial ecosystem.


Information systems in finance play a key role in ensuring effective management of financial processes, making strategic decisions and ensuring the competitiveness of financial institutions. They allow you to collect, process, analyze and use large amounts of data to make informed decisions. With the development of artificial intelligence and big data analysis, information systems in finance are becoming increasingly powerful and capable of forecasting and optimizing financial processes. One of the challenges facing information systems in finance is the need to ensure a high level of cyber security. Therefore, information systems must be reliably protected from cyber threats by using modern methods of encryption and security monitoring. Another important aspect is the need for constant updating and modernization of information systems in finance to ensure their efficiency and compliance with modern technological standards. In the future, information systems in finance can become a key tool for building digital financial ecosystems that will promote the development of new financial services and improve their accessibility.


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8. Galushko, O. & Selivyorstova, T. (2023). Actual issues of data mining for stocks volatility analysis. The VI International Scientific and Practical Conference "Modern ways of solving the problems of science in the world". Warsaw, Poland. February 13-15, 2023. Pp. 363-368.




How to Cite

GALUSHKO, O., & CIOBANU, G. (2024). INFORMATION SYSTEMS IN FINANCE: CHALLENGES AND PERSPECTIVES. Scientific Bulletin of Dnipro State University of Internal Affairs, (1), 259–265.