situation of committing criminal offenses committed by fraud, forensic characteristics of criminal offenses, methodology.Abstract
In the article, based on the analysis of forensic literature, the situation of committing criminal offenses is defined as a system of physical, material and social conditions of the environment chosen by the criminal or objectively surrounding him, in which the criminal offense occurs. It was noted that the quantitative and qualitative composition of the structural elements of the situation of committing criminal offenses depend on the types of criminal offenses. It is noted that fraudsters often adapt to typical factors in a similar environment, as a result of which a typical pattern of criminal activity appears. Regarding the situation and conditions of criminal offenses committed by fraud, it is noted that they are committed under the influence of certain economic, legal, social, political, psychological and other factors that create the basis for the unimpeded implementation of deception and contribute to the concealment of illegal actions. It was emphasized that the effectiveness of the entire investigation in the criminal proceedings as a whole often depends on how the investigator correctly analyzes the spatio-temporal characteristics and conditions in which the fraudsters operated.
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