social protection, social security, police officers, security, rights, benefits, guarantees.Abstract
The article examines the social protection and social security of police officers who perform the dangerous and important work of ensuring public safety. The authors examine various aspects of the social protection of police officers, focusing on their rights, benefits and guarantees provided to ensure their welfare and safety. The article analyzes the social protection system for police officers, including support in case of injuries and disabilities, health insurance, pension system and other social benefits. The authors also explore the challenges faced by police officers in the field of welfare, such as insufficient financial support, inadequate medical care and the use of the right to strike. Attention is also drawn to the need to improve the social protection system of police officers, including increased funding, improved working conditions and provision of adequate medical care. The authors propose solutions that can improve the social protection of police officers, in particular by developing special programs and policies that take into account their needs and characteristics. The general conclusion of the article is that social protection and social security of police officers are critically important aspects of their professional activity. The authors call for improvements to the welfare system to ensure proper working conditions and safety for police officers who give their lives to protect the community.
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