constitutional norms, social standards, international law, European Union, international treaties, legal support, development of social norms.Abstract
This scientific article examines the role of constitutional norms in the formation of social standards in the United States, the countries of the European Union, and Ukraine. The article considers theoretical and legal aspects, the definition and review of constitutional provisions, and their comparison with international standards. Attention is drawn to the interaction of international and national law, the implementation of international norms in the constitutional provisions of countries, and possible prospects for developing social norms based on constitutional principles. The article carefully analyses the role of international treaties in forming social standards and their implementation in the constitutional framework, considering the impact of this process on the legal environment. Prospects for developing social norms built on constitutional principles are determined through the expansion of social rights, adaptation to modern challenges, and harmonizing with international standards. The article’s conclusions indicate the importance of constitutional norms in ensuring social standards and indicate potential directions for further development, such as the expansion of social rights, adaptation to modern challenges, and interaction with international standards to create a fairer and more inclusive society. Opportunities for greater protection of citizens’ rights and the need to consider modern challenges to develop an equitable and inclusive society based on constitutional principles are noted.
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